
August Bible Drive


If I went home right now I could probably find at least 5 different versions of the Bible sitting on end tables, shelves, or bookcases. You may be able to find several copies in your own home. However, many people in Haiti, and all over the world, are not able to have even one Bible to call their own. During the month of August, One Vision International will be hosting a Bible Drive. We want to ensure that each child and staff member at the OVI Children's Home in Haiti has their own copy of God's Word. We have found children's picture Bibles, and regular Bibles, written in Haitian Creole for $10. If you would like to purchase a Bible for a child or staff member please send $10 to the OVI office along with a picture of yourself. We will write your name in the dedication line in the front of your Bible and tape your picture to the inside cover. This gives the child an opportunity to see who gave them God's Word and allows them to pray for you specifically as you pray for them.

If you would like your Bible to go to a specific child or adult just indicate that when you send $10. If that child or staff member has already been chosen, you will be assigned another child and notified of the change.

Purchasing a Bible may seem like a simple act but it is a dream for many believers around the world. For some, it is a dream that will never come true due to persecution in their home countries. Haiti_Kidz (175) Realize what a blessing and privilege it is to read God's Word and help us share it with the children and staff in Haiti!

Chikungunya Update

Good News!!

We shared several weeks ago that a few of the children had contracted the Chikungunya virus from mosquito bites. Job had become particularly ill.... I am happy to report that all of the children are recovering well, including Job! Doctors have given him a clean bill of health and he is starting to gain more weight.


If there is a bright side to this virus, it is that you can only contract it once before you become immune (similar to the chicken pox). We are thankful for your prayers for each child in the Children's Home and are happy to see those smiling faces again :)


If your like me... you can't pronounce the title of this post much less know what it means. Chikungunya (pronounced chik-en-gun-ye) is a virus that is quickly spreading around Haiti. It is carried by mosquitoes and cases are multiplying left and right. The staff at the Children's Home is working hard to keep all of our children safe from this virus but it is a daunting task. (Imagine trying to keep almost 70 children sprayed with bug spray from head to toe all day long! Parents...I'm sure you can sympathize)

Despite our best efforts, several of the children have contracted the virus and are being treated. Please keep ALL of the children in your prayers as this virus is particularly painful and causes high fevers. As you pray for the children in the One Vision Home, also pray for the doctors and nurses treating this disease. Pray that they be granted wisdom and the ability to teach others how to protect themselves.


Lastly, pray for Job. Out of all the children, he has struggled the most with high fevers and dehydration. He is receiving the best treatment possible but consistent prayer has proven to be the strongest medicine. For those of you who know Job, you know he has overcome medical obstacles before and we pray that God will deliver him from illness again.

Thank you for being such faithful prayer warriors for these children! Please share this with others who can join us in prayer.


Happy Birthday in Haiti

We have some very special boys and girls in Haiti celebrating birthdays in June! Check out how much they have grown!

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                           Elizer- June 5th                                                                    Rodeline- June 5th

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                                Franceline- June 9th                                                         Isna- June 10th

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                           Guechelade- June14th                                                Paul- June 15th

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                         Woodens- June 22nd                                              Isaac "Bebenlove"- June 27th


Proverbs 22:6  Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Sole Searching

Meet Hannah Zweifel.....she may be small, but her heart is larger than mine.


When I was seven I was collecting toys, playing with friends, and primarily worried about...well....myself. This year for her birthday Hannah asked her mom if she could do something a little different. Instead of asking others to bring her birthday gifts, she wanted her friends and family to help her collect shoes for the children in Haiti. 

But she didn't stop there. She went to her school and got permission to host a shoe drive so other students could donate shoes too!


In one week she was able to collect 108 pairs of shoes. That's almost enough for every child in the One Vision Home to have TWO pairs of new shoes!! Hannah and her mom called the project "Sole Searching".



When asked why she wanted to do this, here was her response...


"I wanted to do the shoe drive because I wanted to help the world in all different ways. And I learned how to help Haiti in church. On my 7th birthday I didn't want any presents because I wanted shoes for Haiti . And I'm sorry because of the earthquake that took their families. I hope they're happy because they have new shoes."

Do you have Hannah's faithfulness, kindness, and servant's heart?

Do I?

It's a question to ask yourself and something to strive towards daily. You don't wake up one morning and decide to answer God's calling for your life. Following Christ is a DAILY, if not moment by moment decision, and just like Hannah, One Vision works to continually be obedient.

It doesn't take an impressive resume, large amounts of money, or any special skill sets to serve others. If you have a passion to help those in need you are fully equipped to serve on the mission field. Whether your mission field is your neighborhood, or half way across the world......YOU have been called by your Savior to serve.