Beauty From Ashes

Some of our good friends, Stephanie and Rod McMahan, have a great business. They were able to combine their passions, hobbies, and skills to create Beauty from Ashes. They take used household items, that most would discard, and turn them into beautiful pieces of art. Not only is this a great idea, it is a picture of how the Lord sees His children. The world first notices our flaws and is quick to dismiss us. However, God holds us in His hands and molds us into beautiful creations. Each one unique and special. They also use the proceeds from this business for a special cause. Stephanie has used Beauty from Ashes to fund her trips to Haiti through One Vision. There she shares her passion with women by teaching them to sew. They can use this valuable skill to make clothing for their own families and also as a potential career in their communities.

Another great example of faithfulness. If God is calling you to missions, do not let funding be the deciding factor. If he sends you, he will also provide for you. Through friends, family, or even a skill you already have. If you would be interested in taking a trip with Stephanie, or are interested in being involved in missions in general please contact the office at 865-579-3353. We are happy to answer any questions and offer encouragement.

Check out Rod and Stephanie's story here: from Ashes

The Result of Obedience

This may be a long post, but hang in there with me folks...I promise it's worth the read. This summer One Vision had a record number of trips to the Dominican Republic. We took two teams in June, three teams in July, and one in August. At one point, teams were departing the DR one day, and a new team was arriving the next.

Early on we wondered, "Can we handle this many trips?", "Will this be too much for our staff and volunteers?", "Will there be enough to do for so many teams, so close together?" (I imagine God laughing and shaking His head at us as we pondered these things)

God has richly blessed us this summer with renewed energy, drive, and a passion to share His Gospel. During each trip He revealed Himself in a new way to our staff, trip participants, and men, women, and children in the DR. We were given the opportunity to reach out to others in so many different ways from Martial Arts to Stomp performances to Medical Check-ups to just spending time sitting in peoples homes.

There were times for learning

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Times for playing

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Times for practicing new skills

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Times for check-ups

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And times of encouragement

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What do all of those moments have in common? Relationship building!! All to often we travel overseas with a specific project and a list of to-do items. While all of these "to-do" items are intended to help and serve others, they also shift our focus from God's calling in our love our neighbors as ourselves and make disciples. We worry "If we don't finish painting this room, the trip will not be a success", or, "If they do not receive Christ as their Savior this week, what have I accomplished?"

The truth is, One Vision's goal in taking mission trips is not to save others, it is not to change hearts, change attitudes, or change lives. It is to be obedient, whatever the cost, to the calling to GO and believing that God will use our faithfulness to change the hearts and lives of others for His glory.

Perhaps one of the best examples of this is Mercedes, aka "Nena". One of our teams was scheduled to rebuild her home that was in need to repair. We had taken pictures, priced construction materials, and had begun working out all of the logistics. When it came time to make the final decision, the funding for such an undertaking simply wasn't ready. We worried that she would be disappointed or upset at the change of events but the team made new plans to hand out food baskets and simply spend time with people in the community.

As one group went door to door, they came to Nena's home. She welcomed them in and they all spent time talking; talking about life, family, blessings, trials and Jesus. That afternoon the same woman that we thought would be upset with our inability to build her home asked Christ to become her Savior. She did not feel cheated because our "team project" was not completed but rather felt joy that we had brought her a much better and eternal gift.

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Want to know the best part?? That sort of relationship building does not need to be left in the DR or overseas in a foreign country. We can build the same relationships that point to Jesus in our own state, our own town, and in our own families.

The Word does not say that obedience is easy or comfortable, but is does say that it is mandatory. 2 John 1:6


August Bible Drive


If I went home right now I could probably find at least 5 different versions of the Bible sitting on end tables, shelves, or bookcases. You may be able to find several copies in your own home. However, many people in Haiti, and all over the world, are not able to have even one Bible to call their own. During the month of August, One Vision International will be hosting a Bible Drive. We want to ensure that each child and staff member at the OVI Children's Home in Haiti has their own copy of God's Word. We have found children's picture Bibles, and regular Bibles, written in Haitian Creole for $10. If you would like to purchase a Bible for a child or staff member please send $10 to the OVI office along with a picture of yourself. We will write your name in the dedication line in the front of your Bible and tape your picture to the inside cover. This gives the child an opportunity to see who gave them God's Word and allows them to pray for you specifically as you pray for them.

If you would like your Bible to go to a specific child or adult just indicate that when you send $10. If that child or staff member has already been chosen, you will be assigned another child and notified of the change.

Purchasing a Bible may seem like a simple act but it is a dream for many believers around the world. For some, it is a dream that will never come true due to persecution in their home countries. Haiti_Kidz (175) Realize what a blessing and privilege it is to read God's Word and help us share it with the children and staff in Haiti!

Help Them Learn

In the Dominican Republic, school is relatively similar. Children come in the mornings to learn math, writing, reading, and history. However, one difference the children in the after-school program face is that they are not allowed to attend school in their area unless they have a uniform.

This may seem reasonable considering a uniform calls for khaki pants, a light blue button down shirt, and black closed-toe shoes (any stye). Easy enough right?


Unfortunately not. Often families can not afford these basic items and suddenly a simple school uniform is the only thing standing in between a child staying at home or receiving an education. 

We have been collecting uniforms for the children in the after school program but we are asking for one last push! If you are able to purchase a school uniform for a child please contact Emily Lee at She will send you sizes for a specific child.

Don't have time to go shopping? We understand! (Some days you feel lucky to have enough time to sit down for a meal) We can purchase the uniform for you if you are willing to donate $40 and write "school uniform" in the memo line.

We can not thank you enough for helping our kids go to school!

What Makes A Family

Often when we think of our family, we think of mothers, fathers, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. For some the list is long, for others it is a small group of close knit relatives. But what really makes up a family? Only blood relatives? Do close family friends count? Perhaps you include your church family?

However you determine who makes the cut, the characteristics are always the same: love.....commitment.....forgiveness.....sacrifice.....and an unwavering loyalty no matter the circumstance. What's great about family is that it is always changing and growing. Whenever you feel your family is complete, a new addition comes along and suddenly you can't imagine life without them. But can you imagine having a family member that you have never met?

This is often the case with child sponsorship. You support a child, and by doing so, invite them into your family. You sacrifice financially for them, you give of your time to pray for them, and you may even communicate with them through letters or gifts. However, none of this compares to meeting them, hugging them, or seeing their personality first hand. Below is a testimony from the Webb Family and their experience meeting Jannel:

We recently returned from the One Vision/Sevier Heights Family Mission trip to the Dominican Republic.  This was the third time our family has gone on this trip, and we think this was the best trip so far.  We were able to spend more time with the kids in the community this year, build on relationships we had made last year, serve together again, and meet the child we sponsor in the Dominican Republic (Jannel – age 11).  We could quickly see that Jannel is a very tough young boy, but when Claudia (one of the One Vision full time missionaries in the DR) introduced us to him and explained who we were, Jannel gave us all big hugs and tears welled up in his eyes.  It was obvious how much he truly appreciates the sponsorship through One Vision.  He would come give us hugs each day when we got to the community and when we left.  He also introduced us to his friends as his Godparents.  We would encourage anyone considering sponsoring a child in the DR to give One Vision a call – we saw firsthand how much it means to the children in the DR.

It was great to be back in the DR again serving with the One Vision team and the rest of the team from Sevier Heights.

Thank you One Vision and Edgard, Claudia, Alex, Junior, Maria, Angel and Jorge (the One Vision team in the DR) for the great work you are doing in the DR and for taking such good care of us!  Thank you also Carl for all you did in leading our team!

The Webbs (Gary, Tiffany, Alex and Grant)


The Webb's may have only raised two children but they have made a lasting impact on a third. When they chose to support Jannel, they not only became child sponsors, they became Godparents and their family grew just a little bit more.